Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade

We read a book this week called I Know an Old Lady Who Swallowed a Pie by Alison Jackson (a very funny book!) The old lady ate SO much food on Thanksgiving, she turned into a parade balloon at the end. Most of the kids didn't know what the Macy's Thanksgiving Parade was, so I made a little video to show them. They absolutely love it!

When I was a little girl, my mother would let me watch the parade as she cooked our Thanksgiving feast. I remember the smell of the turkey roasting and the bustle in the kitchen as I watched the colorful balloons and waited for Santa. So if you want to keep your kids busy, or just have some free time on Thursday morning, definitely tune in for the fun.
The parade will be on NBC at 9 am! And here's our little video...

Shapes in the Real World

Look at these things. What shapes do you see?
Talk about it with your family!

Happy Thanksgiving!

We are SO thankful!

I am thankful for my mommy and daddy and friends. AP

I am thankful for the space and all the planets in the world. DF

I am thankful for you (Ms. Warner). MC

I am thankful for the freezer because to make ice. AA

I am thankful for my whole family. AJA

I am thankful for my daddy and my mommy and my cat. And my brother. JF

I am thankful for chicken nuggets. AD

I am thankful for dogs and cats. SB

I am thankful that the Mayflower didn't sink. MAC

I am thankful for the people that dressed me up like a princess at Disneyland. SU

I am thankful for God. XW

I am thankful for my sister. TT

I am thankful for making postcards and even art for my mom and dad and even my friends. SBK
I am thankful for the vet because he can cure dogs and cats and our animals that are sick. AL

I am thankful for my friends 'cause they're nice. SH

I am thankful that I make art for my mommy that she likes it. JZ

I am thankful for everyone that I know but not the people that I don't know. AM

I am thankful for friends and my family and my doors ('cause you can open stuff). RS

I am thankful for my mommy and daddy. MD

I am thankful for my friends and yogurt and noodles, too. LB

I am thankful for my mommy, God and food. AF

And I am thankful everyday that I get to come to such a wonderful school and teach such smart, loving kids. I am thankful for their curiosity, imaginiation, enthusiasm and generosity. And I am thankful to you, our parents, for your wonderful support and for raising such great kids!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Love, Ms. Warner

Friday, November 13, 2009

We Made a Video...