Tuesday, October 6, 2009

To all of our friends that are at home, sick. Your kindergarten friends have some very good advice for you!
  • Eat warm soup. MAC
  • Take medicine. AL
  • Get "ty-nen-all". DF
  • Drink very, very good drinks that can make you feel better. SBK
  • Take rest. SU
  • Eat good meat. JF
  • Drink lots and lots of water. AL
  • Sleep in! AJA
  • Drink lots of milk. JF
  • Wear a blanket on top of you. AL

Most of all: Get well soon so you can come back to school--We miss you!

Monday, October 5, 2009


One of our favorite videos...

Playing Catch-Up!

An Excuse to be Loud...

We were exploring the sense of sound!

Our ears hear things and send a message to our brains. Our brains then use that information to make decisions! For example, what would you do if...
  • you heard a fire alarm?
  • you heard a friend crying?
  • you heard the ice cream truck?
  • you heard a funny joke?

You ears and your brain work together so you will know exactly what to do!

We explored our sense of hearing by doing several fun (and noisy!) activities! We shook "sound jars" and tried to guess what was inside them...

No peeking!

A ha! A match!
And we got to go crazy with things that made different sounds...

Throw in a few BOOMS and a RING RING for good measure...and you get the idea!
And then....ahhhh.... Peace and Quiet!


We have been busy sorting in math! We have sorted everything from special attribute blocks to buttons to all of our math manipulatives (that Ms. Warner "accidentally" mixed all up!)
We are learning that you can sort the same group of objects in several different ways--

By color: By shape...
Or by size...
But those are just the basics! We have found many other, creative ways to sort our objects!

These attribute blocks are sorted into thick and thin groups...
These manipulatives are sorted into groups based on what they are...
These buttons are sorted by shape...mostly circles, but there are some squares, a heart, even an owl!
These buttons are sorted according to how many holes they have...
These buttons are sorted by color...but there's also a group for buttons that have words on them!
We love to sort!

Seeing is Believing!

We have been learning about the five senses in science. Specifically, we have been learning that our five senses help us gather information about the world around us. Our brain then uses that information to make decisions!

Our Five Senses Unit encompasses the following TEKS:

K.2B Plan and conduct simple descriptive investigations
K.2C Gather information using simple equipment and tools to extend the senses
K.2D Construct reasonable explanations using information
K.2E Communicate findings about simple investigations
K.4A Identify and use senses as tools of observation
K.4B Make observations using tools including hand lenses, balances, cups, bowls, and computers

We explored our sense of sight with several fun activities!

We looked through funny glasses that made everything look like a rainbow.

We looked through all sorts of kaleidoscopes...

We even got to decide what to put inside one kaleidoscope--feathers, sequins, beads...
We explored the light that comes from a flashlight...

We used hand lenses to look at things UP CLOSE...
We played with color paddles and made some NEW colors...

And we used our sense of sight to find things in I Spy books.
It's amazing everything that our eyes can see!