It's been 2 whole weeks since the last day of school. I hope you're having lots of fun! But if you're looking for something to do, here are a few ideas you might want to tell your parents about...
- Grab a blanket and go see a movie in the park. They're playing Kung Fu Panda on June 26 at Old Settlers Park in Round Rock. It's free! http://www.roundrocktexas.gov/home/index.asp?page=1432
- Take a hike on the Brushy Creek Trail. Have you seen phase III yet? It starts just west of Parmer Lane at the Brushy Creek Sports Park and goes all the way to Twin Lakes Park. It's paved and shady and even has some cute animal tracks to find. http://www.wilcogov.org/CountyDepartments/ParksandRecreation/BrushyCreekTrail/tabid/795/language/en-US/Default.aspx
- Go to Nature Nights at the Ladybird Johnson Wildflower Center. They are from 6 to 9pm on Thursday nights in July and cover lots of topics I know you will love: Fossils on July 9; Birds of Prey on July 16; Bees on July 23; and Stream Ecology on July 30. Cost is $1 per person. http://www.wildflower.org/nature/
- Go check out the stars! Painter Hall Observatory on the UT campus if open to the public on Friday nights until August 15 from 9 to 10:30 pm (worth staying up late for!) http://outreach.as.utexas.edu/public/painter.html
- Go spelunking! Take a trip to Innerspace Caverns in Georgetown to explore amazing cave formations. It's a little pricey--but very COOL (as in NOT HOT!) http://myinnerspacecavern.com/index.php
- Go a little BATTY! If you haven't taken your child to see the bats come out from underneath the Congress Ave. Bridge, you must! Watching 1.5 MILLION bats emerge at dusk is an amazing sight! http://www.austin360.com/search/content/events/special/bats.html
If you do one of these or anything else exciting, e-mail me and tell me all about it! Better yet, send me a picture and I'll post it on the blog for all of your friends to see!
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